Grupo All Nations - Hicorp

Address : Avenida Pedra Branca, 184, Sala 31, Centro de Distribuição 04 - Cidade Universitária Pedra Branca, Palhoça/SC - CEP 88137-270
Phone : +55 (48) 4052-8001, +55 (21) 3523-8000
Web :

In the market distributing electronic and computer products since 1993, All Nations is the leader in the segment in Rio de Janeiro and is among the three largest in Brazil!
In addition to the headquarters in the city of Rio de Janeiro, we have a branch in Santa Catarina, logistical support offices in China and the USA, along with distribution centers throughout Brazil (SC, ES and RJ), making the All Nations efficiently represent the largest factories in the world.
HICORP is part of the All Nations group which, with its expertise in importing and distributing the world's leading technology brands since its foundation in 1993, allows us to maintain the best inventory in the electronic security and agile and efficient logistics segment for the entire world. National territory. As one of the largest distributors in the industry, we are always working behind the scenes so that the best products reach the market through our chain of regional distributors, their integrators and installers.