EUROALARM spol. s r.o.

Address : Modřanská 80/283, 147 00 Praha 4
Phone : +420 272 770 148
Web :

EUROALARM spol. s r.o. was founded in the second half of 1992 as an importer and specialized wholesaler of security technology and today is one of the largest suppliers of security technology in the Czech Republic.
EUROALARM cooperates with business partners all over the world and as a specialized wholesaler it represents the world's leading companies producing intruder alarm systems (IAS), CCTV systems, electrical fire alarm systems (FAS), stable fire extinguishing systems, access and attendance systems (ACS), evacuation systems and public address systems, emergency lighting and external perimeter protection of buildings. Cables, batteries, power supplies, a wide range of installation materials, mounting accessories and special equipment complete the range.
The company is a member of the Association of Technical Security Services Grémium Alarm (AGA), the EPS Guild of the Czech Republic, the Professional Chamber of Fire Protection (PKPO), the Czech Chamber of Commerce and the multinational pan-European association Euralarm.
EUROALARM operates in nine own sales centres in the Czech Republic. More than a thousand of our regular customers in Prague, Brno, Děčín, Liberec, Ostrava, Plzeň, Zlín, České Budějovice and Pardubice can not only purchase materials for their professional installations directly in their region, but also benefit from the extensive experience of our staff.